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Class that handles file reading and writing. Can also fire events to trigger saving and loading on the PersistentObjects that are marked as automatic.

public void readFile(string path = "Assets/saveFile.json", bool fireLoadEvent = true)

Reads the file and stores its contents in an internal Dictionary. If fireLoadEvent is true (default), it will invoke OnSaveFileLoaded.

public static event System.Action OnSaveFileLoaded

Event called after loading a file with readFile, if fireLoadEvent is true.

public void writeToFile(string path = "Assets/saveFile.json", bool fireSaveEvent = true)

Writes to the file from the internal Dictionary. If fireSaveEvent is true (default), it will invoke OnSavingGame.

public static event System.Action OnSavingGame

Event called before writing to a file with writeToFile, if fireSaveEvent is true.