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The interface between Persyst and your ISaveable MonoBehaviours. It reads and writes the fields and properties that are marked with [SaveThis] or [SaveAsInstanceType].

public void SaveObject()

Gathers all the saveable data and sends it to the GameSaver component. This does not trigger file-writing (see GameSaver) for that).

public void LoadObject()

Reads the saved data from the GameSaver component and writes it to the corresponding fields and properties. Does not trigger file-reading (the data needs to have already been read).

public void registerCustomSaveEvent(System.EventHandler eventHandler)

Sets a custom event that will trigger SaveObject()

public void registerCustomLoadEvent(System.EventHandler eventHandler)

Sets a custom event that will trigger LoadObject()

public void removeCustomSaveEvent(System.EventHandler eventHandler)

Removes a previously set event.

public void removeCustomLoadEvent(System.EventHandler eventHandler)

Removes a previously set event.

bool loadAutomatically

If true (default), will call LoadObject() as soon as the savefile is read and the PersistentObject is active.

bool saveAutomatically

If true (default), will call SaveObject() just before the GameSaver writes the data to a file.